Find out, why our approach is different
Meocon's principles
Systems over tools
Tools often mean very little apart from systems. So, why not start with the environment, the contexts, purpose, and systems? From there, we develop a tailored and focused approach. This avoids sub-optimal and (very often ruinous) management focus.
Compasses over maps
A map tells you where to go, but in a world of constant change, what if the continents shifted, and you still found yourself using an old map? Instead, a compass helps to figure out where we are going even when the world around us is shifting.
Learning over education
“Education is what the system does. Learning is what employees do for themselves”. By highly engaging employees in the projects, starting in the initiation phase, as well as in the analysis and especially in the implementation phase, we believe that we can create an environment where all involved employees are inspired to learn and share learnings.
Practice over theory
Theory has a place, but if it doesn’t work in practice, what is the point? So, practice is where we discover what does and doesn’t work. We often use "rapid prototyping" to learn as quickly as possible and to ensure early moments of success.
Focused over broad
One can attack all kinds of problems at the same time. Or else, we can find out the minimal effective dose necessary which will improve the overall success and so focusing efforts on the high leverage points. By focusing improvement activities on the constraints, you will save a lot of energy and unnecessary effort.
Pull over push
We pull competencies and resources from our network as needed. We don’t have excessive resources but just seek them out, based on the needs of our clients.

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